Frank The Tank & Nate Almost Came To Blows Inside Stool Streams Stadium Today

At this point Frank The Tanks misfortunes inside the Triple S are well documented, hes 0-8 in Jenga, 0-1in RPS and was 0-2 in Cornhole heading into todays slugfest verse Natedawg. Against all odds Frank DOMINATED the first game 21-7 and it was starting to feel like today was the day the Fleming Curse was broken once and for all 

Game 2 was a war, the most crucial moment coming at the 49 minute mark in the video at the top of this blog. The score was 16-15 Nate, Frank was up 2 points in the round with one final shot, he hit one of Nates bags in the hole while simultaneously knocking his off resulting in a 4 point swing and a 1 point round win for Nate instead of a 2+ point round for Tank. That's where the wheels fell off. Tank ended up losing game 2 and then went down 5-0 quickly in game 3. 

Not since Jenny Finch in her prime have I seen something thrown that hard from that angle, I'm just happy the walls inside the Triple S stayed up. Frank had fully lost his composure at this point and that was when Franks personal cameraman Adam Ferrone entered the building to try and calm him down. During his little pep talk Nate (in classic Nate fashion) made a remark about Frank acting like a child under his breath that was just audible enough for Frank to hear and caused him to pop off

Frank ultimately dropped game 3 and the Fleming Curse lived to see another day

As commissioner of Stool Streams I loved it. 2 competitors in the heat of battle talking shit and going at each others necks in pursuit a victory, that's why we built the room in the first place. I would love to have them rematch next Thursday but I'm honestly scared to text Nate and ask after what I witnessed on Twitter after the dust settled. 

Alot of takes out there on the blue bird but all I know is the ratings for a rematch would be through the roof and I think with a little bit of coaching Frank can get his revenge and kill the Fleming Curse once and for all. What do you think?

PS - there was no love lost between these 2 after the match was over

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